How to Trust Jesus

We are qualified to come to Jesus just as we are. The great I am wants us heavy burdened and all. Our trust of Him increases the more we get to know His character. In our moments of suffering, we are given the opportunity to get to know more about who Jesus is. He wants … Continue reading How to Trust Jesus

Poor In Spirit

“Blessed is the poor in spirit,” for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.   Matthew 5:3 When I hear poor, I think of poverty-stricken, a person struggling to make ends meat. Poor combined with spirit brings on a different meaning.  I need to not get stuck on my first impression of poor and maybe replace that … Continue reading Poor In Spirit

Take Heart! Why is it so hard to Trust?

We’ve come to trust so many things. So, I’ll start with this question… Why is it still so difficult to trust God? I think there are two answers to this questions. ONE -It’s because we haven’t had a chance to trust him.  We want to be in control and by our human nature we trust … Continue reading Take Heart! Why is it so hard to Trust?