L-E-T- G-O D

When have you genuinely LET GO?
When did you give all of the hurt and pain to God without keeping a little piece of the story locked away inside of you?
“There is a story of a young man who struggled to make ends meet. One day, he got six pieces of white cardboard paper and wrote down these six letters: “L-E-T G-O-D.” This was to remind him to let God take over. He was doing all that he could do to provide for his family and then he needed to trust.  He placed the cards upright on his dressing table so that he would be reminded each day to let God provide for him.  Well, days passed and nothing changed. He was still in lack and became even more worried, anxious and frustrated. One day, out of desperation, he prayed, “God, please, I really want to know how to ‘let You.’ I want You to take over and supply all my needs, but I don’t know how to! God, please answer me.” The window in his room was open. A wind blew in—whoosh!—and one of the cards fell off the table. It was the last card with the letter “D.” The man looked up and saw the remaining cards spell the words, “LET GO.”
My friend, the way you LET GOD provide for you is to LET GO! Let go and stop worrying about the problem. Cast it into the hands of Almighty God who cares for you and leave it there, and you will begin to see His grace and provision flow freely in your life!
Personally, I find it hard let God and LET GO!  Lately, I’ve prayed and told God and other people in my life, how hard it is for me to completely let go.
God was listening, He allowed many trials into my life.  Not just one, more like a dozen!  These “moments” brought me to prayer. I’m talking face flat on the floor, couldn’t get any lower, kind of prayer.  There was no where else to turn and He was faithful in picking me back up.
I’ll never forget that moment of understanding what it felt like to LET GO.  What it felt like to really know that I CANNOT fix this.  What it also felt like to, NOT KNOW “the plan”. Did everyone else know this secret?  Why was this incredibly hard for me to do?
I remember, years ago at my church, we had to write our sin on a piece of paper. Then we had to lay it at the cross in the front of the church.  After I placed my paper at the cross, I expected to feel differently.  I went through the motion and thought I would see fireworks or something.  I was trying to feel different, but I didn’t.  I thought I trusted my Lord, but I kept doubt in my heart.
If or when that happens to you, when you are hurt to the core of your being, you’ll see God show up.  He promises.  He will pick you up and do a wonderful healing.  At that time, picture Jesus laying on the floor next to you, staring at you, calling out to our Father for you.   Say His name over and over or just cry.  You don’t have to do anything at all, some things cannot be expressed in words.
And the Holy Spirit helps us in our weakness. For example, we don’t know what God wants us to pray for. But the Holy Spirit prays for us with groanings that cannot be expressed in words. And the Father who knows all hearts knows what the Spirit is saying, for the Spirit pleads for us believers in harmony with God’s own will. Romans 8:26-27(NLT)
What do you think? Easier said than done?  Let God and Let go, let the spirit plead for you.
When have you genuinely LET GO?
Heavenly Father,  I want to ‘let You’ and ask you to take over and supply all my needs today.  I will trust you to this and hope in your glorious promises.  Your word says, “The Lord gives his people strength.  The Lord blesses them with peace.” Please give me strength and peace so that I may trust and give all of my worries to you.  I love you God, Amen.
my heart is a work in progress

21 thoughts on “L-E-T- G-O D

  1. I have been there a few times, but one time in particular I remember. I hit bottom, cried out to God shaken to the core hurt, lost, pain could not go on with out Him. Thank you for sharing this it is so very true.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Two days ago, I prayed and asked the Lord to show me how to let Him take charge of my problems. “I want to do it, but I don’t know how. Please tell me what to do.” That was a part of that prayer. So imagine my surprise – and shock – to turn on my computer and have this as one of the first things I see! Thank you for the post. It doesn’t make things easier, but it points me in the right direction, and for that, I’m truly thankful.

    Liked by 3 people

  3. My Dad’s a retired pastor, he told me this is how the Holy Spirit works, leading people along with a common thought who don’t know each other. I tried to add a screen shot but couldn’t. This was Bishop Drew’s “Thought For The Day” where I attend church, Be Blessed!! You Are Loved and Led by God Almighty

    A Thought For The Day

    Letting Go 1-29-19
    We must learn to let go of the feeling of being all alone in what we do. It may seem that way at times, but we are never alone if we follow the leading of the Holy Spirit. The words of this song linger, “When you walk through a storm hold your head up high, and don’t be afraid of the dark. At the end of the storm is a golden sky.” Let go of that feeling of being all alone today.

    Nahum 1:3 – “The Lord has His way, in the whirlwind and in the storm.” (NKJV)
    In His Service

    Bishop Drew Rousse
    Faith Cathedral
    Watch Us Now http://www.fcwo.org

    Liked by 2 people

  4. It’s not religion that we struggle with, it is the internal belief that we are indeed important enough that faith in whatever made us will preserve us. And, it will. Oh ye of little… great read!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Joy (I don’t recall if you told me your name), I have to let go and let God every day. And, if I don’t, he gently reminds me to do so, and he reminds me that he is in control and that he is working all things out for my good and that he has a plan and a purpose for it all, and that I am to trust him and rest in him.

    It was in 2002 when I was going through a revival and I was working through some hurts (damaged emotions) in my life when the Lord really brought this home to my life. I asked him if there was anyone in my life I had not forgiven. He gave me the name “Jesus.” At that moment I broke down and cried. I knew what he was saying. Subconsciously I had been bitter against him for the things that had happened to me in my life, and what was deep in my heart was impacting my behavior, for my actions spoke volumes with regard to what was in my heart and to what I truly believed.

    At that moment I forgave him, not because he had done anything wrong, but for not rescuing me and for allowing me to go through so much hard stuff. But, that was just one step. Then I had to truly accept his absolute sovereignty over my life and yield to him fully, accepting whatever he brings into my life or that he allows in my life, that it serves his purposes and it is ultimately for my good. We go through much grief in life because we don’t truly trust that God is sovereign over all things.

    But, then the third thing for me was also understanding that Jesus already won this battle for me. I didn’t have to fight Satan off with arms crossed across my face, hoping to not get hit, but knowing I probably would, and with feeling like I did as a child, that the abuser could and would win, but I could take up that shield of faith and that sword of the Spirit and I could fight off Satan’s attacks against my mind with the truth of God’s Word and in the power of the Spirit of God within me, because Jesus already defeated my enemy at the cross. I just had to live like I believed that.

    Not saying I have not had moments since then where I struggled, and when I cried out to God with tears streaming down my face trying to understand why things were happening to me the way they were and wondering when things were going to change, or if they were going to change, but that day in 2002 forever changed how I believed and how I dealt with life, and even if I had a day when I just cried out to God, still I gave it to him, and I prayed it through until the peace came.

    I have to. He is God! And, I am a mere human. If I try to take control, I make a mess of things. When he is in control, even if my circumstances are bad, he sees me through them. And, he gives me purpose and direction. And, he uses what I go through for his glory in my life and in the lives of others, too. Thanks for listening.

    Liked by 2 people

  6. Excellent word! This is something I have been trying to work on–to just let go and leave it in God’s hands. Some days I do really well, other days….well…not so well at letting things go. It is amazing how God can work things out when I do let go of it. Thank you for sharing this.

    Liked by 2 people

  7. Thank you for the reminder – this is something God is really working on with me right now. I’m such a do everything, fix it all, be in control of the situation person that I have to remember to move aside and trust God! Awesome post 🙂


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